A better NOD32? #

Guy Kirkwood kindly sends word of Prevx Edge, and points out this quote as being especially relevant to TinyApps.Org readers:
Edge has been developed with speed and optimization in mind. The entire program of Edge consists of one executable and one driver. All of the cleanup, realtime protection, self protection, rootkit detection, malware detection, and high-color user interface are tightly integrated into these files, requiring only about 800kb on disk. In the system, Edge only requires one service and one driver to be registered - no other registry keys are required and no other libraries need to be installed, and all user accounts on the local computer are fully supported and protected automatically, even under UAC, with the GUI process of Edge switching between users as they log in.

Installation and un-installation of Edge require only seconds and can take place without rebooting the system and there is no need to uninstall any other security software when installing or using Edge.
The standalone Prevx CSI version is described as a "FREE Malware Scanner", but users should be aware that it will not remove most infections without payment (unlike TrendMicro's SysClean, Kaspersky's Virus Removal Tool, etc, which scan and remove for free). Even though it is a single EXE executable, CSI makes numerous registry and file system changes. Most of these can be removed by running the uninstaller which appears in the Add/Remove Control Panel.

About.com has a review of Prevx Edge.

/windows | Apr 03, 2009

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