REM **MAP DRIVE X: ON STARTUP** REM delay execution for 10 seconds (wait for networking to load) REM see for more info ping -n 11 >NUL REM disconnect all existing mapped drives net use * /delete /yes REM map x: drive to \\server\share net use x: \\server\sharesaved to the All Users Startup folder as map_x.bat or what have you (it can also be launched via Task Scheduler).
When looking at a key's fully qualified path, you have to figure out whether the path includes a value or not. Usually, the text is clear about whether the path is to a key or includes a value, but sometimes it isn't. For example, does HKCR\txtfile\EditFlags refer to a key or a value? In this case, it refers to a value, and I prefer to use explicit language, such as "the value HKCR\txtfile\EditFlags," to make the reference clear. Sometimes, paths that don't include a value name end with a backslash (\). If there is no backslash, pay particular attention to the context to make sure you know whether the path is just a key or includes a value. Sometimes a bit of common sense is all you need.
/windows | May 11, 2012