For fans of pixelated art and Hayao Miyazaki #
Russell Thomson has crafted two charming wallpaper collections of Studio Ghibli films, including:
Ghibli Pixel Wallpaper Pack
- Castle in the Sky 天空の城ラピュタ
- Howl's Moving Castle ハウルの動く城
- Kiki's Delivery Service 魔女の宅急便
- My Neighbor Totoro となりのトトロ
- Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind 風の谷のナウシカ
- Ponyo 崖の上のポニョ
- Princess Mononoke もののけ姫
- Spirited Away 千と千尋の神隠し
- The Cat Returns 猫の恩返し
- Whisper of the Heart 耳をすませば
Ghibli Pixel Wallpaper Collection 2
- Castle in the Sky 天空の城ラピュタ
- Howl's Moving Castle ハウルの動く城
- My Neighbor Totoro となりのトトロ
- Princess Mononoke もののけ姫
- The Cat Returns 猫の恩返し
- The Secret World of Arrietty 借りぐらしのアリエッティ
- Whisper of the Heart 耳をすませば
UPDATE: Richard J. Evans has drawn another collection of Ghibli pixel art.
/misc | May 08, 2013
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