$ tail file1 file2 ==> file1 <== Oahu Maui Hawaii Kauai Molokai Lanai ==> file2 <== Hawaii Kahoolawe Kauai Lanai Maui Molokai Niihau Oahuhere are a couple of methods, courtesy of SiegeX and ghostdog74, for extracting lines unique to the second file:
$ awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0]++}FNR!=NR && !a[$0]{print}' file1 file2 Kahoolawe Niihau $ awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0]++;next}(!($0 in a))' file1 file2 Kahoolawe Niihau $ comm -13 <(sort file1) <(sort file2) Kahoolawe Niihau
UPDATE: In a similar vein, find lines common to two unsorted files like so: comm <( sort file1 ) <( sort file2 )
Additional keywords: uniq, sort, diff, regex
/nix | Sep 27, 2013