Newbie audiophile setup for small spaces #


The whole thing (well, everything but the laptop) fits perfectly in the Sennheiser box with the foam removed.



  1. The last Mac laptop or desktop to include a built-in optical drive. Also the last Mac to be readily accessible and serviceable. The late 2011 model can run Mac OS X 10.6 - 10.9. Includes an Ethernet port.
  2. Review of the Schiit Audio Vali/Modi Stack
  3. Despite claims to the contrary, the Modi (along with all Schiit DACs) does support integer mode according to Nick at Schiit Audio.
  4. Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.9 support integer mode (which takes hog mode/exclusive access a step further by sending audio in the DAC's native format) while OS X 10.7 and 10.8 do not. See Integer Mode Is Back!! and Beyond bit-perfect: The importance of the Player Software And MAC OS X Playback Integer Mode for more information.
  5. Reviews at Headfonia and 6moons.

2020 Update

/mac | Jun 17, 2014

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