Convert asciidoc to markdown #

  1. Install pandoc and asciidoc

    sudo apt install pandoc asciidoc

  2. Convert asciidoc to docbook

    asciidoc -b docbook foo.adoc

    foo.xml will be output into the same directory as foo.adoc

  3. Convert docbook to markdown

    pandoc -f docbook -t markdown_strict foo.xml -o

  4. Unicode symbols were mangled in Quick workaround:

    iconv -t utf-8 foo.xml | pandoc -f docbook -t markdown_strict | iconv -f utf-8 >

  5. Pandoc inserted hard line breaks at 80 characters. Removed like so:

    iconv -t utf-8 foo.xml | pandoc -f docbook -t markdown_strict --wrap=none | iconv -f utf-8 >

/nix | Jan 24, 2017

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