Working around Apple's arbitrary limitations, #

or Extracting IPA files from an iPhone

A recent Fantastical update hid previously-paid-for functionality behind a subscription paywall with account creation nags.

Since iTunes backups have long excluded IPAs and Apple Configurator 2 or iMazing only download the latest IPA from Apple, I used an iPhone 6 running iOS 12 to download the previous version (happily, the new version was iOS 13-only) then extracted the IPA for copying to an iPhone 6S running iOS 13:

  1. While Fantastical no longer appears in App Store searches performed under iOS 12, the last compatible version can be downloaded (assuming it is associated with your account) via App Store → Updates → Account icon → Purchased → My Purchases → Search → Fantastical → Download icon → "Download"

  2. Install and run checkra1n, connecting the iPhone 6 to the Mac via USB cable when prompted. Jailbreaking only takes a minute or two.

  3. Install Homebrew

  4. user@Mac ~ % brew install usbmuxd

  5. user@Mac ~ % iproxy 4444 44

  6. In a new Terminal tab: user@Mac ~ % ssh root@localhost -p 4444
    root@localhost's password: alpine

  7. iPhone6:~ root# find /var/containers/Bundle/Application/ -name Fantastical

  8. iPhone6:~ root# exit

  9. user@Mac ~ % mkdir Payload

  10. user@Mac ~ % scp -P 4444 -r root@localhost:/var/containers/Bundle/Application/C5CC3023-C8E7-4AEB-8536-363B96BDB725/ Payload/

  11. user@Mac ~ % zip -r Fantastical.ipa Payload/

  12. Find Fantastical.ipa in the Mac's current directory. It can be installed on the iPhone 6S running iOS 13 via:

Notes & Sources

/misc | Feb 01, 2020

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