Quickly verify file checksums in OS X & macOS #

with Joss Brown's Checksums. Supports a wide array of algorithms, from built-ins like MD5 and SHA-256 to Tiger and Bencode via optional installs. Requires OS X 10.8 or higher.
  1. Download and mount latest DMG
  2. Copy Checksums.workflow to ~/Library/Services/
  3. If desired, automatic update checks can be disabled by opening Checksums.workflow in Automator and removing the updater function and function call from the bash script.
  4. Rather than using the Context menu to launch Checksums (Control-click > Services > Checksums), set a keyboard shortcut: System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services > File & Folders > Checksums > none > add shortcut > Control-Command-C (or any other desired and available key combination)
  5. To compare a checksum with a file, copy the checksum to the clipboard, select the file, and press your keyboard shortcut:

UPDATE: As of Mojave, Automator needs to be granted Full Disk Access in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy in order for Checksums to work correctly.

/mac | Feb 18, 2018

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