Demo environment: macOS 11 Big Sur host running on Apple silicon, Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger guest.
Create a new virtual machine in UTM with settings along these lines:
Install Mac OS X. Shut down and change drive order in VM settings, moving 20GB IDE to top of list. Reboot and set Startup Disk in System Preferences.
The result is surprisingly performant. But we can speed things up a bit more:
Change the Dock from 3D to 2D:
defaults write no-glass -boolean YES; killall Dock
Disable Dashboard:
defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean YES; killall Dock
Disable Spotlight and hide its icon:
mdutil -i off /
mdutil -E /
sudo chmod 600 /System/Library/CoreServices/Search.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Search && killall SystemUIServer
System Preferences:
Finder: Preferences → uncheck "Spring-loaded folders and windows"
Host localhost
KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
ssh -p 22222 localhost
Initially received "No valid state has been set by load or init-program" error when booting from OS X 10.4 ISO. Re-ripped Tiger DVD this way to resolve:
To capture mouse or keyboard input (especially for Command key shortcuts, which the host often interprets instead), click the cursor icon in the toolbar or use Ctrl+Opt (can be changed to Cmd+Opt in UTM's preferences).
Software Update in Tiger still works! The updates were presented in the following order:
UTM/QEMU also offers x86/x64 emulation (allowing the use of Intel-only OSes like Windows XP, OS X Mavericks 10.9, etc):
Solution for SSH Unable to Negotiate Errors (which credits How to enable diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 key exchange on Debian 8.0? which in turn credits OpenSSH Legacy Options).
MacWorld: Can M1 Macs run older versions of macOS? "Need to run Catalina, Mojave or an older version of macOS on an M1 Mac? Here's why you can't..." ;-)
Running Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X 10.0 - 10.4 on Apple Silicon (M1) & Intel via QEMU
Virtualizing Linux, macOS, and Windows ARM64 versions on an M1 Mac
A beta PowerPC version of Snow Leopard exists:
The Impossible Cat – How to install the OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard PowerPC Beta on G4 Macs | Video with ~200 comments
as well as an optimized version of Leopard for PowerPC:
Mac OS X Sorbet Leopard: "The world's most advanced operating system for PowerPC Macs. Finely tuned."
If you’re using AFP to share a Mac drive, It’s time to change
Establishing an SSH Tunnel to Remotely Access a Mac Using AFP and VNC
No AFP in Big Sur: "Actually it's still possible to connect to AFP shares (I just tried it and it works)."
Can I still use Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) in Big Sur: "Big Sur no longer supports sharing volumes via AFP, but it can still access AFP shares from other machines."
created: 2021.11.22, updated: 2023.02.19