Emulating Windows XP x86 under M1 Mac via UTM & QEMU #

While VMWare does not plan to support x86 emulation on M1 Macs and Parallels support staff only offers misdirection when asked, thanks to UTM & QEMU you can emulate x86/x64 Windows versions like XP and 7 on Apple silicon right now:

  1. Download UTM, the requisite template (Windows XP in this example), and SPICE Guest Tools and QEMU Drivers for Windows.
  2. Unzip windows-xp-x64-utm.zip and open Windows XP.utm in UTM.
  3. Click "CD/DVD" at the bottom of the window and select your Windows XP installer ISO.
  4. Start the VM and install Windows normally (if Windows hangs after installation with "Please wait", turn the VM off and on again).
  5. Replace the Windows XP installer ISO with the SPICE tools ISO (spice-guest-tools-0.164.iso) and run spice-guest-tools-0.164.exe.

The result is surprisingly performant: MP4 | GIF



/mac | May 22, 2021

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