TinyApps.Org Newsletter Issue 36 - January 14, 2004 "Everything superfluous is hostile." - Sextus ================================ BLOG HIGHLIGHTS SINCE 2003/12/13 https://tinyapps.org/blog/ ================================ XnView 1.66 [898k] + Graphic viewer and converter with support for more than 400 formats. Many *nix ports also available. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pierre.g/xnview/enxnview.html Mail without a mail client: Accessing your POP mail through TELNET http://www.arnab.org/tech/miscellaneous/000057.php?page=all XacRett [212k] {S}+ Drag-and-drop archive extractor with support for more than 40 formats. http://www.kmonos.net/lib/xacrett.en.html Understanding MultiBooting and Booting Windows from an Extended Partition http://www.goodells.net/multiboot/ OSASK - "a 32bit GUI Multitask OS in 75KB". http://www.imasy.or.jp/~kawai/osask/ Blosxom - "a lightweight yet feature-packed weblog application" http://www.blosxom.com/ Four free, self-contained antivirus tools: avast! Virus Cleaner http://www.avast.com/i_idt_171.html Stinger http://vil.nai.com/vil/averttools.asp#stinger TrendMicro Sysclean http://www.trendmicro.com/download/dcs.asp F-Prot Antivirus for DOS http://www.f-prot.com/download/home_user/ Solving Not So Common Palm Series Problems http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/3216/palmprobs.htm blo.gs "lets you keep an eye on your favorite weblogs via the web, email, and instant messenger. http://blo.gs/ Convert JPG images to ASCII images online http://jpg2asc.hierklikken.com/ RSS Reader Panel for Mozilla Firebird http://fls.moo.jp/moz/rssreader.html Requests to provide RSS feeds for TinyApps prompted an email to Blogger, which replied, "We'll be releasing a syndication feature very soon, for all Blogger users." If this doesn't happen within the next month or so, RSS feeds will be offered through The Feedster Builder. http://feedster.com/tools.php Unknown Devices [392k] {S}+ Determine the identity of unknown devices in Device Manager. http://www.halfdone.com/Development/UnknownDevices/ 0irc - small IRC client for Windows with source. http://www.dev0.de/products_0irc.html ====== THANKS ====== Content Contributors for this issue include: K. Inaba Mike Iain Kamelion Financial Contributors https://tinyapps.org/contributors.html Free Mailing List Hosting http://www.freelists.org/ MailandFiles ($5/month for 50MB of mail and files storage) http://www.mailandfiles.com/ ============= (UN)SUBSCRIBE ============= Send a blank email to tinyapps-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with either 'subscribe' or 'unsubscribe' in the Subject field. You can also use the web interface, which has additional options: https://tinyapps.org/ezine.html ========== DISCLAIMER ========== You are 100% responsible for your own actions. Visiting a link, downloading a program, in short, *living*, is done entirely at your own risk (and joy).
TinyApps.Org Newsletter Issue 37 - February 19, 2004 "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein ================================ BLOG HIGHLIGHTS SINCE 2004/1/14 https://tinyapps.org/blog/ ================================ Thanks to Blogger, TinyApps now features syndication powered by Atom. https://tinyapps.org/weblog/index.rss The RSS Reader Panel for Firebird/Firefox mentioned last month now supports Atom feeds! http://fls.moo.jp/moz/rssreader.html Atom 0.3 to RSS 1.0 Online Converter http://cavedoni.com/2004/02/rss1 FileZilla is slightly too large to be listed on TinyApps, but it is a powerful (and open source) FTP client with many great features, including: Resume uploads/downloads, SFTP support, Site Manager with folders, firewall support, and much more. http://filezilla.sourceforge.net/ History of BIOS and IDE Limits http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/Large-Disk-4.html FreeGrid v0.5b [30k] Light spreadsheet for Palm. http://step.polymtl.ca/~chenier/ EBCD (Emergency Boot CD) can come in handy when faced with a non-booting/damaged/misconfigured machine. Copy/move files, image drives, recover MBR, change admin password on Windows NT/2000/XP, unerase deleted files, unformat, much more. http://mirror01.iptelecom.net.ua/~ebcd/ Guide To Ghost System Recovery which includes loads of great info found nowhere else, and great tips like "Don't Install Ghost". The author offers a clean, minimalist approach, demonstrating that the floppy version of Ghost is all you want or need to make the most of this fine app. http://lostgallifreyan.com/Ghost%20System%20Recovery/GSR%20Guide%20v2003.htm Programming from the Ground Up by Jonathan Bartlett teaches programming and computer science through assembly language. http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/pgubook/ DOS USB Drivers http://www.bootdisk.com/usb.htm ReactOS - "Open source effort to develop a quality operating system compatible with Windows NT applications and drivers." - GUI is now up and running! http://www.reactos.com/ How to Tweak Windows XP for Optimal Performance http://www.techreviewer.com/viewpage.cfm/pi/9 LitePC XPlite - "Clean installations of Windows XP in under 350MB and Windows 2000 approaching less than 200 MB" http://www.litepc.com/xplite.html 13 Reasons To Use Firefox Over IE http://www.flexbeta.net/main/articles.php?action=show&id=32 The Knoppix 3.4 c't edition can write to NTFS partitions (thanks to Captive) and boot from external USB/Firewire devices. http://www.heise.de/ct/04/04/124/default.shtml NanoBlogger "is a small weblog engine written in Bash, that uses common unix tools, such as cat, grep and sed. It's free to use and modify under the GNU General Public License." Features include: archiving, category support, permalinks, RSS syndication, no dependency on any javascript, server-side scripting, or server-side includes, no dependency on any external database (uses flat- file), more. http://home.columbus.rr.com/n1xt3r/nanoblogger/ ====== THANKS ====== Financial Contributors https://tinyapps.org/contributors.html Free Mailing List Hosting http://www.freelists.org/ MailandFiles ($5/month for 50MB of mail and files storage) http://www.mailandfiles.com/ ============= (UN)SUBSCRIBE ============= Send a blank email to tinyapps-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with either 'subscribe' or 'unsubscribe' in the Subject field. You can also use the web interface, which has additional options: https://tinyapps.org/ezine.html ========== DISCLAIMER ========== You are 100% responsible for your own actions. Visiting a link, downloading a program, in short, *living*, is done entirely at your own risk (and joy).
TinyApps.Org Newsletter Issue 38 - March 17, 2004 "Say not few things in many words, but much in a few words." - Pythagoras ================================ BLOG HIGHLIGHTS SINCE 2004/2/19 https://tinyapps.org/blog/ ================================ Chris Mallett kindly informs us of his open source AutoHotkey project, "a hotkey (shortcut key) scripting language for Windows, supporting both keyboard and mouse." http://www.autohotkey.com/ Calendar 1.34 [13k] + Standard calendar window with several functions including: copy date to clipboard, Always on top, custom formats, more. http://home.mnet-online.de/horst.muc/wrem.htm#calendar Programmer's File Editor (PFE) [607k] + Programming-oriented text editor capable of opening HUGE files (limited only by the total amount of virtual memory available). http://www.simtel.net/product.php?url_fb_product_page=11983 "If you have a spare PC, Red Hat Linux, and a few odds-and-ends, the book Linux Toys can help you build some cool and useful projects." http://www.linuxtoys.net/news.php Easy Message [252k] IM client with support for AIM, ICQ, MSN and Yahoo. http://www.easymessage.net/ "The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth hosts the best and most complete online collection of astronaut photographs of the Earth." http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/ Guy Kirkwood has put together an excellent guide entitled Setting up a Fast, Stable and Tweaked PC. It's focus is on lean, well-made apps. http://www.antiphon.co.uk/kirkwood/software.htm "The Rocketinfo RSS Reader is a free personal news and information tool that allows you to search, subscribe, read and track content from thousands of RSS and Weblog sources." Supports RSS 0.91, 1.0, 2.0 and Atom. http://demo.rocketinfo.com/desktop/ StartupRun v1.20 [27k] + A better msconfig. http://members.lycos.co.uk/nirsoft1/utils/strun.html FoldersReport v1.10 [22k] + Dislays disk/directory space usage. http://members.lycos.co.uk/nirsoft1/utils/folrep.html ODIN 0.6 is a one-disk FreeDOS distribution. http://fd-odin.dosius.com/ ====== THANKS ====== Financial Contributors https://tinyapps.org/contributors.html Free Mailing List Hosting http://www.freelists.org/ MailandFiles ($5/month for 50MB of mail and files storage - created by FreeLists) http://www.mailandfiles.com/ ============= (UN)SUBSCRIBE ============= Send a blank email to tinyapps-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with either 'subscribe' or 'unsubscribe' in the Subject field. You can also use the web interface, which has additional options: https://tinyapps.org/ezine.html ========== DISCLAIMER ========== You are 100% responsible for your own actions. Visiting a link, downloading a program, in short, *living*, is done entirely at your own risk (and joy).
TinyApps.Org Newsletter Issue 39 - April 20, 2004 "To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not, rich; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, await occasions, hurry never; in a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common--this is my symphony." - William Henry Channing ================================ BLOG HIGHLIGHTS SINCE 2004/3/17 https://tinyapps.org/blog/ ================================ WinAudit v1.2.2 [112k] + System info tool that lists: installed software, license information, peripherals, memory usage, processor model, network settings and more. Reports can be saved in several file formats. (via Mike Mills) http://www.pxserver.com/WinAudit.htm DirSize.DLL [6k] {S}+ Adds a "Folder Size" column in Windows Explorer. Free registration required to download. (via Will Stevenson) http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/DirectorySize.asp Big List of Blog Search Engines http://www.aripaparo.com/archive/000632.html UnRAR for DOS [115k] {S}+ Command line DOS32 UnRAR. http://www.rarlab.com/rar_add.htm T-Utils is a small collection of utilities for DOS, including: TDel (powerful DEL replacement), T-Secure (simple file encryption), KeyWord (searches files and directories by keyword), and several more. http://tutils.cjb.net/intro.htm Essential DOS Utilities http://www.salokin.demon.co.uk/dos_utils.htm FindHack 4.0.6 [137k] $ Improved find function for Palm OS 3.3 through 5.x. Limit search to current, built-in or custom-defined apps; support for wildcards; save favorite searches; much more. (This new version no longer requires a system extension manager like Hackmaster.) http://perso.wanadoo.fr/fpillet/findhackGB.html DiamondCS's excellent Console Tools were covered last year. Since then, they have added more great freeware apps including OpenPorts, a CLI port to process mapper for Windows NT/2000/XP. http://www.diamondcs.com.au/openports/ Mozilla Backup - Easily backup and restore Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird and Netscape profiles, including: email, bookmarks, addresses, settings, etc. (via ShellCity) http://backup.jasnapaka.com/ KeePass [309k] {S}+ Encrypted password safe with groups, drag-n-drop, search, password generator, export to TXT, HTML, XML & CSV. (via ShellCity) http://keepass.sourceforge.net/infointro.php KeyNote 0.999 [703k] {S}+ Treepad-like app with RichText support, encryption (Blowfish or IDEA), import/export TXT, RTF, HJT (Treepad), n_text (DartNotes), HTML (import only), and much more. (via Jeff Jewell) http://www.tranglos.com/free/keynote.html Netcat 1.1 [58k] {S}+ Network swiss army knife. Among its many uses, Netcat can be used to retrieve full HTTP headers. http://www.atstake.com/research/tools/network_utilities/ HD Tune [131k] + Hard disk utility which reports drive info, health, and benchmarks. (via Langa List) http://www.hdtune.com/ LogMeIn.com - Remote access service similar to GoToMyPC. No credit card is required for the free fully-functional preview. Just now tested it over a cable modem and am very impressed with the speed (virtually instant), extensive features and ease of use (though the browser-based client seems to require IE). LogMeIn might be useful in situations where setting up VNC is not practical. https://secure.logmein.com/go.asp?page=home Drive SnapShot 1.3 is simply the most amazing drive imaging software for Windows: Create disk image backups while running Windows; Continue your work, while the backup is in progress; Access files inside of backup images via any shell (like Windows Explorer); Compatible with FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, RAID; Does not require installation, nor will it change anything in your system configuration. (via Detlef Loeffelholz) http://www.drivesnapshot.de/en/index.htm PCISniffer 1.2 [675k] + Bootable floppy that detects and displays all PCI busses and devices. Database includes approx. 4000 devices and 1500 vendors. http://www.miray.de/products/sat.pcisniffer.html ====== THANKS ====== Financial Contributors https://tinyapps.org/contributors.html Free Mailing List Hosting http://www.freelists.org/ MailandFiles ($5/month for 50MB of mail and files storage - created by FreeLists) http://www.mailandfiles.com/ ============= (UN)SUBSCRIBE ============= Send a blank email to tinyapps-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with either 'subscribe' or 'unsubscribe' in the Subject field. You can also use the web interface, which has additional options: https://tinyapps.org/ezine.html ========== DISCLAIMER ========== You are 100% responsible for your own actions. Visiting a link, downloading a program, in short, *living*, is done entirely at your own risk (and joy).
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