Hidden files are visible after clean install of OS X Leopard #
Facing the same issue described in hidden files now not hidden?? immediately after an Erase and Install of Leopard, I tried:
- defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles NO; killall Finder
- defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE; killall Finder
- Repairing disk permissions
- Verifying/repairing disk
- Running software updates
in vain.
Apple tech support suggested Invisible files become visible (involving the use of Pacifist to extract hidden_MacOS9 and SetHidden from the DVD's OSInstall.pkg) to no avail. We decided it must be the install DVD, and they kindly sent another. In the meantime, I tried installing from another Leopard DVD and sure enough, the issue was resolved. So if the above suggestions don't work for you either, try another DVD, or call Apple for a replacement.
/mac | Aug 31, 2008
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