Gitso - Single Click Remote Support for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows #
Insanely. Awesome. At last, an open source, cross-platform, one-click remote support solution! Thanks to Aaron, Derek, and Nick over at Viva La Open Source!, you no longer need to follow lengthy instructions, pay exorbitant fees for customization, or be locked in to just one platform. Gitso is a wrapper for reverse VNC. By building from source (following a few simple steps), you can specify predefined servers so that your customer/friend/family member need only click "Start":

The only snag came when I tried to give support from OS X, but it was easily resolved thanks to these instructions from Tom Lazar:
- Download and unpack libjpeg sources
- In Terminal:
cd jpeg-6b/
ln -s `which glibtool` ./libtool
sudo ./configure --enable-shared && make && sudo make install
/misc | Oct 11, 2008
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