Gitso (remote support for Windows, Linux, OS X) updated to 0.6 #
Aaron Gerber kindly informs us of an update to the insanely awesome, open source, cross-platform remote support app that he and Derek Buranen (along with several other contributors) have continued to craft over the past several years, Gitso:
- Complete rewrite of processes
- Stop VNC Processes (Windows)
- Support loading remote hosts file
- Command line switches
- --dev
- --listen
- --connect IP
- --list list_file
- --version
- --help
- Man page (Linux)
- Support for .rpms
- Native VNC listener (OS X)
- Better process management, user gets notified if connection is broken
- Licensing updates (across the board)
- Many bug fixes
/misc | Feb 21, 2010
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