An orrery for your pocket, projector, wrist, or table #

Traveling through the solar system is easier with an orrery:

Solar Walk (iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad)
Orrery for iOS

Seeker (Mac/Win)
Orrery for OS X or Windows

Christiaan van der Klaauw's Astronomical Watches
Orrery wrist watch by Christiaan van der Klaauw

Brian Greig, orrery maker
Orrery designed by Brian Greig

UPDATE: More tools for navigating the solar system:

The mini3 original orrery kit by TheOrreryShop is made of wood, brass and acrylic.
mini3 original orrery kit

Orrery is an old-fashioned brass orrery for Windows, OS X, iOS, and Android.

Emerald Observatory for iPad displays a wealth of astronomical and chronographic information.
Emerald Observatory for iPad

The Orrery Kit is built from a number of sheets of heavy-duty card.
Orrery Kit

dD Orrery by Piotr Kaczmarek; available as a Flash application or screensaver for Mac/Win
dD Orrery

Solar System Wallpaper by Adam Dorman
Solar System Wallpaper

3D Solar System Web
3D Solar System Web

/misc | Oct 03, 2010

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