Given a range of JPGs to batch download: ...
one approach using wget would be:
wget '\_06p'{00..99}'.jpg'
Bash 4 is required for brace expansion using a range. Unfortunately, the expression fails to expand at all when read from a file (e.g., wget -i urls.txt
curl, on the other hand, does not depend on Bash for sequencing:
curl -O '\_06\_p'\[00-99\]'.jpg'
so it will correctly parse sequences in a properly-formatted text file (e.g., urls.txt):
url = "[00-99].jpg" url = "[00-99].jpg" url = "[00-99].jpg"
like so:
curl --remote-name-all -K urls.txt
For sites that require a login, cookie.txt export makes it easy to grab the necessary cookies.txt file from Google Chrome's cache. Then it's simply a matter of:
wget --user-agent="" --force-directories --load-cookies cookies.txt ''{1..10}
curl --header "User-Agent:" --cookie ./cookies.txt --remote-name ''\[1-10\]
If filenames need to be made unique (e.g., downloaded files have the same name and would otherwise be overwritten), curl has variable renaming built-in:
curl --output "index\_#1.html" ''\[2012-2015\]'/index.html'
Omit the User-Agent header in curl via -H 'User-Agent:'
and in wget with --user-agent=""
Thor-Erik Rødland's answer to How to get past the login page with Wget?
cmlndz's answer to How can I remove default headers that cURL sends?
/nix | Sep 12, 2011