Installing Windows XP to SSD #

with correct partition alignment:
  1. Install new SSD
  2. Enable AHCI in BIOS
  3. Boot from Windows 7 DVD and launch Command Prompt
  4. diskpart
  5. list disk
  6. select disk number
  7. clean
  8. create partition primary align=1024
  9. format quick fs=ntfs
  10. active
  11. Exit and restart with Windows XP CD, installing to the newly-created partition.

Alignment can be verified with diskpart (list disk > select disk number > list partition > offset should be 1024KB or some multiple of 64) or AS SSD (requires .NET Framework 3 or higher; on a fresh install of XP without it, the following error appears: AS SSD Benchmark.exe - Application Error The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application.)


/windows | Dec 12, 2012

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