Combine an animated GIF with a static image while retaining the animation #
in Adobe ImageReady CS2:
- Open both images in ImageReady
- Rotate the animated GIF if desired (Image > Rotate Canvas > Arbitrary...)
- Make the animated GIF's canvas size larger than the static image's canvas size (Image > Canvas Size...)
- Copy and paste the static image as a layer into the animated GIF (Select > All > Edit > Copy > Edit > Paste)
- Using the Move Tool (V), drag the static image to the desired position, then use the Crop Tool (C) to crop it
- Set the static image as the background (Layer > New > Background From Layer)
- Check the delay timers and looping options in the Animation pane (Window > Animation)
- Save the new combined GIF (File > Save Optimized As...)
/misc | Oct 19, 2016
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