After installing tree in macOS (brew install tree
), running it did not produce the expected results:
$ tree
└── 宮?\216駿
├── 1\ 風?\201?谷?\201??\203\212?\202??\202??\202?.iso
├── 2\ 天空?\201??\237\216?\203??\203\222?\202\232?\203??\202?.iso
Specifying the character set sadly did not avail, and saving results to a file seemingly exacerbated the problem:
$ tree --charset utf-8 -o list.txt
Partial view of file as it appeared it Sublime Text:
<0x1b>[01;34m.<0x1b>[00m ├── list.txt └── <0x1b>[01;34må®®å´\216駿<0x1b>[00m ...
The solution was to use the -N ("Print non-printable characters as is") and -n ("Turn colorization off always", which hides the color control characters / ANSI escape codes) options:
$ tree -Nn
└── 宮崎駿
├── 1 風の谷のナウシカ.iso
├── 2 天空の城ラピュタ.iso
├── 3 となりのトトロ.iso
├── 4 魔女の宅急便.iso
├── 5 もののけ姫.iso
└── 6 千と千尋の神隠し.iso
1 directory, 6 files
/mac | Jan 15, 2019