October 19, 2005 #
Apparently in its
to reduce splogs, Google's Blogger service now requires word
verification for every new post. Not only does it force legitimate
publishers to waste time figuring out and typing those warped
It has also broken Blogger - even after entering the correct
letters, the following message appears:
October 17, 2005 #
WinSCP (an open
source SFTP client for Windows) has been listed on TinyApps.Org for
several years, it is just now that I ran across this neat trick:
Remote Directory Up To Date. Essentially it allows you to
securely (using SFTP) and automatically sync a local directory on
your Windows box with a remote server. May substitute for apps like
which allow you to map a network drive via SFTP.
October 16, 2005 #
Fog Creek Copilot ($9.95 for
a day pass) is a remote access and desktop control service very
similar to the free
Remote Assistant. Like SkyFex, Copilot offers easy, encrypted
access through firewalls with no installation or configuration.
Other solutions in this category include:
LogMeIn Rescue (fee),
GoToAssist (fee),
NAT2NAT (free), and
VNC connections (free).
October 15, 2005 #
Money 2006 issue resolved, thanks to
Petterson's kind assistance (billg, if you're listening, Paul
is serious VP material). If anyone else has trouble importing data
from previous versions of Microsoft Money, here is what worked for
- Backup data!!! Do not proceed without all of your critical data
backed up, including your Microsoft Money data.
- Relocate My Money.mny to a directory other than My
- Uninstall any existing MS Money versions
- Install MS Money 2006
- After installation, since Money cannot find an .mny file in the
My Documents directory, it asks if you want to create a new file,
open an existing file, etc. Choose the "Repair" option for the file
which you relocated in step 2 and have the resulting file sent to
My Documents
- Launch MS Money 2006 and with any luck, all will be well.
When written out this way, the solution seems trivial. However, the
key factor (which is moving the .mny file out of My Documents) was
not immediately apparent... the app would simply crash on import,
and then upon every startup, without any indication that there was
a Repair option available.
October 14, 2005 #
While backing up data from an HFS+ (OS X) partition to a FAT32
external firewire drive, I received the following error message:
One or more items can't be copied. Do you want to skip
them and copy remaining items?
This error was
due to
characters in some of the filenames on the HFS+ system which
are not allowed under FAT32. Cameron Hayne created a
swell Perl script to replace the offending characters, but
changing the filenames was not my first choice. Thankfully,
silentaccord posted a wonderful solution (look for his April 15,
2005 comment) here:
HFS+ and FAT32 partitions on one external drive.
October 13, 2005 #
CSVed is
a powerful CSV file editor that works with any delimiter/seperator
(comma, semicolon, tab, pipe, etc). Installer-free version
October 12, 2005 #
(System Information for Windows) - Freeware utility that
displays detailed specs for motherboard, BIOS, CPU, devices,
memory, video, disk drives, ports, printers, operating system,
installed programs, processes, services, serial numbers (CD keys),
users, open files, system uptime, network, network shares, as well
as real-time monitors for CPU, memory, page file usage and network
traffic. It displays currently active network connections,
passwords hidden behind asterisks, installed codecs, and more. Does
not require installation. (See
this post for similar apps)
October 11, 2005 #
Text Rider
is an insanely easy to install weblog system that uses simple text
files as its database. Features include: templates, search,
archiving, RSS feed, comments, and more.
October 10, 2005 #
October 9, 2005 #
October 5, 2005 #
is a free MIDI to WAV/MP3/OGG converter.
October 4, 2005 #
While not a tiny app,
PSPad is
a must-have freeware text editor for Windows. Features include:
tabbed interface, FTP client (edit files directly on server), macro
recorder, powerful regex search and replace, syntax highlighting,
HEX editor, spell checker, and much more.
October 3, 2005 #
(apparently built on
records screen activity and audio to avi or swf.
October 2, 2005 #
CBT4FREE offers
videos: Linux Web Server (17 minutes 58 seconds) explains how
to set up a web server on a GNU/Linux server, and Web Server Config
(13 minutes 26 seconds) details the installation and configuration
of Apache, MySQL, and PHP on Windows. I ran across two more of
their videos on Google Video:
Setting up a Windows Workgroup and
Setting up a Wireless Network.
October 1, 2005 #
Who knew that
speaks leet? Here's a taste:
- "kewl": A common derivation of "cool."
- "m4d sk1llz" or "mad skills": Refers to one's own
talent. "m4d" itself is often used for emphasis.
- "n00b," "noob," "newbie," or
"newb": Combinations synonymous with new user. Some
leetspeekers view "n00b" as an insult and "newbie" as an
affectionate term for new users.
- "w00t" or the smiley character \o/: An acronym
that usually means "We Own the Other Team," used to celebrate
victory in a video game.
- "roxx0rs" Used in place of "rocks," typically to
describe something impressive.
- "d00d": Replaces the greeting or addressing someone as a
- "joo" and "u": Used instead of "you." This is
also commonly written as "j00" or "_|00."
- "ph": often replaces "f," as in "phear" for "fear" (as
in "ph34r my l33t skillz") and vice versa, such as spelling
"phonetic" as "f0|\|371(."
(via digg)
September 30, 2005 #
(X)HTML vs. WYSIWYG editors
September 29, 2005 #
The shareware
ZTreeWin file
manager seems to have an enthusiastic following; I've received a
number of requests to consider listing it here. Here is a
description from
ZTree Environment
file and disk manager with split screen capability;
flexible and sophisticated program launcher; keystroke recorder and
player; a 32-bit Windows console (fast!) application with
dynamically resizable windows; Registry- and GUI-free (but
co-existing peacefully); compact (fits on a floppy); fast, with
excellent contextual online help. ZTree operates with independently
developed assistant applications; boasts probably the most
intuitive, efficient and user-friendly interface invented;
maintains a separate history list for every single command,
preserving all user input; is constantly evolving; has a large
following of professionals and power users (who are somewhat
spoiled by almost instant, direct user-to-developer contact); and
September 27, 2005 #
Fluid Dynamics Search
Engine is an easy-to-install search engine for local and remote
sites. Features include: keyword highlighting, template-based
design, result ranking, more.
(via Kenny - test it at his site)
September 26, 2005 #
Mark Russinovich of Sysinternals offers a
detailed walkthrough describing how to troubleshoot
intermittent Explorer hangs using three of his indispensable apps:
FileMon, RegMon, and Process Explorer.
September 25, 2005 #
In response to
post, Jeff Harrison kindly wrote in to share a more up-to-date
collection of GNU utilities for Win32, called appropriately
GnuWin32. There are
over 150
apps, all available as either plain ZIP or setup files. Tool
collections include:
September 24, 2005 #
GNU utilities for
Win32 is an awesome collection of over 100 *nix apps ported to
native Win32 by K. M. Syring. The apps include:
ansi2knr, basename, bc, bison, bunzip2, bzip2,
bzip2recover, cat, chgrp, chmod, chown, cksum, cmp, comm, compress,
cp, csplit, cut, date, dc, dd, df, diff, diff3, dircolors, dirname,
du, echo, egrep, env, expand, expr, factor, fgrep, find, flex, fmt,
fold, fsplit, gawk, gclip, gplay, grep, gsar, gunzip, gzip, head,
id, indent, install, join, jwhois, less, ln, logname, ls, m4, make,
makemsg, man, md5sum, mkdir, mkfifo, mknod, mv, mvdir, nl, od,
paste, patch, pathchk, pclip, pr, printenv, printf, pwd, recode,
rm, rman, rmdir, sdiff, sed, seq, shar, sleep, sort, split, su,
sum, sync, tac, tail, tar, tee, test, touch, tr, type, uname,
unexpand, uniq, unshar, uudecode, uuencode, wc, wget, which,
whoami, xargs, yes, zcat.
Since the ZIP file from SourceForge appears to be corrupted, I have
taken the liberty of digging up an archived version from the
Wayback Machine and
hosting it
here, with the last updates included. It is compressed with
7-Zip (ZIP size was 2.52MB vs. 1.42MB for 7z). As always,
standard disclaimer applies: You are 100% responsible for your own
actions. Using this site, visiting a link, downloading a program,
in short,
living, is done entirely at your own risk (and
post for a more up-to-date GNU for Win32 collection.
September 23, 2005 #
Abyss Web Server is
a compact web server available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and
FreeBSD operating systems. Despite its small footprint, it supports
HTTP/1.1, dynamic content generation through CGI/1.1 scripts, ISAPI
extensions, Server Side Includes (SSI), custom error pages,
password protection, IP address control, anti-leeching, and
bandwidth throttling. It features also an automatic antihacking
system as well as a multilingual remote web management interface
that makes its configuration as easy as browsing a web site."
Shareware version also available - see the
comparison for more information.
September 21, 2005 #
September 20, 2005 #
Vurlix kindly informs us of
Cog, an open source audio
player for OS X with support for: Ogg Vorbis, Mp3, Flac, Musepack,
Monkeys Audio, Shorten, Wavpack, AAC, and Wave/AIFF.
September 19, 2005 #
A Microsoft Angel & Several Saviors
Many, many thanks to William Johnson, Ken Livingston, Bernie Luger,
and Paul Petterson (from Microsoft) for kindly responding to my
plea for
help regarding Microsoft Money. There were two main approaches
outlined: 1. install Money 2006 on another PC and locate the
Product Key by going to Help > About or 2. import the 2002 data
file into the trial version of Money 2005 (which reportedly works
smoothly) and then upgrade the 2005 data file to 2006. My deepest
gratitude to Paul as well for kindly offering to do whatever he can
to see this issue gets resolved.
September 17, 2005 #
Microsoft Tech Support Hell
- A client is having problems with Microsoft Money 2002. She is
told upgrading to Money 2006 will solve the problem.
- She buys Money 2006 Deluxe from Amazon.com, installs it, and
begins the data import wizard, which repeatedly crashes the
- She spends 1.5 hours on the phone with Microsoft trying to
resolve the problem to no avail
- She installs Money 2003 (an OEM version which came with her
computer) and imports the data successfully.
- She calls Microsoft Tech Support for help with 2003, and is
told since it is an OEM version, no help is available without
- She patiently explains that she just bought Money 2006 Deluxe
on their advice and would prefer to run that, but has no
choice since it won't import her Money 2002 data successfully.
- The support agent asks for the product key or serial number for
Microsoft Money 2006.
- There is no such number anywhere on the retail box, CD case, or
CD itself, nor was one required during install.
- No number = no help she is told
- There is no such number she tries to explain again and
- I pick up the phone and try to explain the situation, end up
going postal, and get hung up on by the Indian support agent.
- Call for help: If you work at Microsoft or know some way
out of this tech support nightmare, please contact me: mail@tinyapps.org. Thanks!
UPDATE: Problem
September 16, 2005 #
Recent items from the mailbin (thanks to all those who submit
- uTorrent - An efficient
and feature rich BitTorrent client for Windows sporting a very
small footprint. It was designed to use as little cpu, memory and
space as possible while offering all the functionality expected
from advanced clients. (via Vurlix)
- SQLite - A small C library
that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration
SQL database engine. (via Aidan Pierce)
- ZoomIn
- Open source screen magnification program allowing you to view any
area of your screen under magnification. ZoomIn allows you to
control the amount of zoom, view a pixels location and color, and
save it as a bitmap. (via Austin)
- PowerPro - Take
control of how you use Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP. Run commands and
configure your system any way you want. (via David
url2bmp - Convert URLs to web page screenshots (via
Matt Vance)
September 15, 2005 #
Not Yours To
Give by Davy Crockett:
"'My papers say that last winter you voted for a bill
to appropriate $20,000 to some sufferers by a fire in Georgetown.
Is that true?'
"'Well, my friend; I may as well own up. You have got me there. But
certainly nobody will complain that a great and rich country like
ours should give the insignificant sum of $20,000 to relieve its
suffering women and children, particularly with a full and
overflowing Treasury, and I am sure, if you had been there, you
would have done just as I did.'
"'It is not the amount, Colonel, that I complain of; it is the
principle. In the first place, the government ought to have in the
Treasury no more than enough for its legitimate purposes. But that
has nothing to do with the question. The power of collecting and
disbursing money at pleasure is the most dangerous power that can
be intrusted to man, particularly under our system of collecting
revenue by a tariff, which reaches every man in the country, no
matter how poor he may be, and the poorer he is the more he pays in
proportion to his means.
"'What is worse, it presses upon him without his knowledge where
the weight centers, for there is not a man in the United States who
can ever guess how much he pays to the government. So you see, that
while you are contributing to relieve one, you are drawing it from
thousands who are even worse off than he.
"'If you had the right to give anything, the amount was simply a
matter of discretion with you, and you had as much right to give
$20,000,000 as $20,000. If you have the right to give to one, you
have the right to give to all; and, as the Constitution neither
defines charity nor stipulates the amount, you are at liberty to
give to any and everything which you may believe, or profess to
believe, is a charity, and to any amount you may think proper. You
will very easily perceive what a wide door this would open for
fraud and corruption and favoritism, on the one hand, and for
robbing the people on the other. No, Colonel, Congress has no right
to give charity.
"'Individual members may give as much of their own money as they
please, but they have no right to touch a dollar of the public
money for that purpose. If twice as many houses had been burned in
this county as in Georgetown, neither you nor any other member of
Congress would have thought of appropriating a dollar for our
relief. There are about two hundred and forty members of Congress.
If they had shown their sympathy for the sufferers by contributing
each one week's pay, it would have made over $13,000. There are
plenty of wealthy men in and around Washington who could have given
$20,000 without depriving themselves of even a luxury of life.
"'The congressmen chose to keep their own money, which, if reports
be true, some of them spend not very creditably; and the people
about Washington, no doubt, applauded you for relieving them from
the necessity of giving by giving what was not yours to give. The
people have delegated to Congress, by the Constitution, the power
to do certain things. To do these, it is authorized to collect and
pay moneys, and for nothing else. Everything beyond this is
usurpation, and a violation of the Constitution.
September 14, 2005 #
As more and more people continue to follow their joy, leave
unpleasant 9 to 5 jobs, and start their own businesses, cool spaces
theOffice and
Paragraph will likely
grow, providing clean, quiet environments to get work done outside
of the home. Kinkos and Starbucks are swell, but they pale in
comparison to the atmosphere which these places seem to offer.
Rather reminiscent of the wonderful
UPDATE 1: Sandbox Suites in downtown San
Francisco is a "coworking space for freelancers, entrepreneurs and
anyone in need of a flexible and affordable place to work or meet."
It reportedly offers "hot desks, private desks, a comfortable
lounge with an espresso service, conference rooms, and a company of
like-minded professionals."
UPDATE 2: One Alfred Place is "a new
kind of club that combines the best of a private
members' club with your own London office. A
stylish, spacious interior filled with bespoke furniture and
stunning contemporary art creates the perfect environment in which
to hold meetings, get work done and relax. Excellent food and drink
in a private dining club, and club PAs to provide the support you
would expect from your own PA, make it a pleasure to spend time
September 11, 2005 #
is a very useful frontend for dd_rescue, which recovers data from
hard drives with bad sectors. Unfortunately, it is not included
with Knoppix or many other Live CDs, so you'll need to
download and install it
first. However, one Live CD that does include dd_rhelp is the
(I)s (P)ossible. An added bonus is that RIP runs from RAM once
loaded, thereby freeing up your optical drive.
September 10, 2005 #
SkyFex Remote
Assistant is a free remote desktop viewing service which claims
to be secure and work through firewalls and NAT routers. While the
website has a number of grammatical errors, its apparent creator,
<name removed by request>, certainly seems qualified to
create such a service. Requires Microsoft Windows and Internet
September 8, 2005 #
eServiceInfo.com -
Service manuals, FRU guides, documentation, etc for
consumer electronics, and much more.
September 7, 2005 #
Why does Sony make their Vaio model numbers so confusing? Needing
to remove the hard drive from a notebook labelled PCG-531A, I
searched Google for help to no avail. Only after visiting Sony's
support site and entering PCG-531A as the model number, did I
find out that it is actually a PCG-Z505LS. THAT certainly turned up
a number of walk-throughs:
September 6, 2005 #
browsershots.org - Free,
open source browser screenshot service similar to NetMechanic's
Photo. Option to donate for faster turnaround time.
September 5, 2005 #
Bicycle powered generators:
September 4, 2005 #
How to flush the DNS resolver cache under
- Windows (NT-based versions): ipconfig /flushdns
- Linux: /etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd restart
- OS X: lookupd -flushcache (late 2008 update: under
Leopard, use dscacheutil -flushcache)
September 3, 2005 #
TinyApps.Org was
over at digg today. In response to jasqwerty's question about OS X
apps and installers, I posted the following (reproduced here for
suggestions and to include links, which digg strips from comments):
Aloha, jasqwerty! It is true that many OS X apps are
installer free, and simply mounting a disk image does not launch a
"hidden installer" or the like. From the mounted disk image, you
generally click and drag the app to OS X's "Application" folder
(though you can drag it to any directory). Up until this point, the
app has not polluted the system at all. However, once it is
launched for the first time, most apps put preferences and the like
into directories outside their own (preferences typically go into
~/Library/Preferences). Uninstalling an app is often as easy as
dragging it to the Trash, but preferences and other files may
remain behind. In lieu of an app like
FileMon to track what files an app creates/modifies, you could
run and save the output of ls for the entire drive
before and after running a new app and then cmp
or diff the
two files to find changes. A quick Google search just now uncovered
Buddy, which can apparently "Create snapshots to track the
changes on a disk, such as files installed by an installer." If
anyone knows of a better method for tracking file
creation/modification under OS X, please post it here.
September 1, 2005 #
BackupPC is a
server-based app that extracts backup data from Linux and Windows
clients via SMB shares, tar over ssh/rsh/nfs, or rsync. Open source
and very
August 31, 2005 #
WinDV is a small (92k)
standalone Windows app that captures video from DV to AVI and
records AVI to DV devices via FireWire.
(via Matthew Allen
at MemeCode Software)
August 30, 2005 #
August 29, 2005 #
v0.9 [265k] + Standalone viewer for Palm Desktop's Address
Book, MemoPad, ToDo List and DateBook files.
📺 (via Will
August 28, 2005 #
Star Wars ASCII movie: Telnet to towel.blinkenlights.nl and enjoy
Star Wars as it was meant to be enjoyed - in beautiful ASCII
(via Google
August 26, 2005 #
IBM's new
Tivoli Continuous Data Protection for Files will offer
real-time file backup to a NAS device. Features to include:
versioning of files, "small foot print", multiple targets, and
perhaps most importantly, no need for server-side software.
UPDATE: Check out IBM's earlier
which is strikingly similar and can be downloaded free of charge.
August 24, 2005 #
0.50a [50k] Palm app for reading and writing TXT files up to
4MB in size.
August 23, 2005 #
Google Talk "enables you
to call or send instant messages to your friends for free -
anytime, anywhere in the world." The 900k installer requires
Windows 2000 or XP, and while
other Jabber-based
clients work also, voice chat requires the Google Talk
software. You'll need a
account to join in the fun. Feel free to say hello: tinyapps at
gmail dot com.
August 19, 2005 #
The inclusion of
widgets in Tiger seems rather gratuitous considering how much
memory they use:

There should at least be an easy preference pane to enable/disable
Dashboard. (
UPDATE: There is:
Instead, there is the following command that will do the job:
defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean
To reenable:
defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean
(Thanks to
August 18, 2005 #
OS X Tiger: Why did Apple decide to sell
iPhoto 5 as part of
iLife rather than bundle
it with the OS, as has been done since OS X was released? Paying
$79 for a formerly included app did not sit well with me,
especially since there have been a
with iPhoto 5. Instead, I installed iPhoto 4 from my Panther CD
into Tiger via
a shareware extractor/custom installer for .pkg packages. iPhoto 4
seems to work flawlessly under Tiger, and importing old photos is
as simple as copying "~/Pictures/iPhoto Library" into the same
directory in Tiger.
August 17, 2005 #
Flash Earth - See anywhere
in the world using satellite images from Google Maps or MSN Virtual
August 16, 2005 #
CPU-Z 1.30 [296k] +
Displays CPU, Motherboard, Memory, and System info.
August 13, 2005 #
computers are complete Linux systems that fit in the palm of
your hand. each come in a case with MMC slot, USB Device plug and a
power adapter.
August 10, 2005 #
If you are ordering a Dell for home use, I highly recommend calling
1-800-BUY-DELL and dialing Ted Nichols' extension: 7958865. He is
the best customer service rep at Dell I've ever spoken with.
August 9, 2005 #
Access Ext2/3 partitions from Windows
(via digg):
- Ext2Fsd - Ext2
file system driver for Windows NT/2000/XP
- Ext2 IFS for
Windows - Provides Windows NT/2000/XP with full access to Linux
Ext2 volumes. Can also access Ext3 volumes.
- Explore2fs
- Win32 explorer for Linux ext2fs partitions. Supports ext2 and
ext3 and runs under Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, Server
August 5, 2005 #
Carmel highlights, Day 4:
August 4, 2005 #
San Francisco, Half Moon Bay, Carmel highlights, Day 3:
August 3, 2005 #
San Francisco highlights, Day 2:
August 2, 2005 #
San Francisco highlights, Day 1:
- SFO to Montgomery via BART - $4.95 one
way and loads of fun for people watching
- The Prescott Hotel
- Beautiful accommodations, excellent customer service, free and
easy wifi access.
- Cable Car Museum -
Join the tourist throng
- Coit Tower - Great
views and murals
- Farallon -
Funky undersea motif (vegan choices scarce, however)
- Japan Town
- Kinokuniya bookstore, Genji Antiques, and the must-visit Cafe Tan
- Greens Restaurant -
Zen veggie
July 31, 2005 #
Any advice on cool tech, Japanese, or vegan places to visit in San
Francisco would be appreciated:
July 28, 2005 #
small collection of
poems has been added to the site.
July 27, 2005 #
There Is No Death
by John Luckey McCreery (1835-1906)
There is no death! The stars go down
To rise upon some other shore,
And bright in heaven's jeweled crown
They shine for evermore.
There is no death! The dust we tread
Shall change beneath the summer showers
To golden grain or mellow fruit
Or rainbow-tinted flowers.
The granite rocks disorganize
To feed the hungry moss they bear;
The forest leaves drink daily life
From out the viewless air.
There is no death! The leaves may fall,
And flowers may fade and pass away --
They only wait, through wintry hours,
The coming of the May.
There is no death! An angel form
Walks o'er the earth with silent tread;
He bears our best-loved things away,
And then we call them "dead."
He leaves our hearts all desolate --
He plucks our fairest, sweetest flowers;
Transplanted into bliss, they now
Adorn immortal bowers.
The bird-like voice, whose joyous tones
Made glad this scene of sin and strife,
Sings now an everlasting song
Amid the tree of life.
Where'er He sees a smile too bright,
Or soul too pure for taint of vice,
He bears it to that world of light,
To dwell in Paradise.
Born unto that undying life,
They leave us but to come again;
With joy we welcome them -- the same
Except in sin and pain.
And ever near us, though unseen,
The dear immortal spirits tread;
For all the boundless universe
Is Life -- there is no dead!
July 26, 2005 #
Windows XP with No Services by Mark Russinovich of
(via digg)
July 25, 2005 #
GreenPad 1.05
[70k] {S}+ Text editor with syntax highlighting, regexp search,
unicode support, more.
July 24, 2005 #
FreeSBIE is a LiveCD based
on the FreeBSD Operating system. Be sure to check out the brief
which includes helpful screenshots.
July 22, 2005 #
ecoMOD: a modular,
affordable, ecological house system.
July 20, 2005 #
RunFast -
Tiny launcher/command tool that allows you to quickly launch
programs, files, folders, websites and more. It supports aliases,
which allows you to create custom commands and it also supports
execution of multiple commands at one time.
(via Greg Thrasher)
July 18, 2005 #
Flash demos of
various exploits using
WHoppix/WHAX, including:
- raptor
- autoscan-metasploit
- Whoppix-ssh-dcom
- Whoppix-ssl-mitm
- see-client-side
- Whoppix-wepcrack
- Whoppix-client-side
See also this new
cracking demo by
July 17, 2005 #
IP Sniffer v1.75 is slightly
too large to be listed on TinyApps.Org, but it is an amazing tool
nonetheless. Featuring a suite of IP Tools built around a packet
sniffer, IP Sniffer works on all Windows versions using the raw
socket implementation of Windows 2000 (driverless), WinPcap (needs
to be installed), or an NDIS protocol (needs to be installed, no
reboot). It has a
clean, simple
interface and does not write to the registry or create files
outside of its own directory.
The IP tools are:
- Bandwidth monitor
- Adapter statistics (IP & NDIS)
- List and manage ARP entries, resolve IP to MAC, resolve MAC to
IP, send a WAKEUP call
- List and manage routes, enable & disable host as a
- List and manage open ports and attached processes
- Edit network config
- Hook winsock (winsock32.dll & ws2_32.dll)
- Spoof ARP (and do ARP cache poisoning), spoof TCP, spoof UDP,
spoof ICMP
- Change MAC address
- SNMP Get & Set, List interfaces, Switch port mapper, Media
Attachment Unit table
- WINS Query
- DNS (advanced) Query
- Local resolver
- DHCP Discover
- Whois Query
- SMTP client
- TCP tools (TCP ping, TCP half scan, ...)
- UDP tools (MSSQL Ping, SNMP ping, SSDP scan, ...)
- ICMP tools
- TCP/UDP bounce port
- Windows Networks (enum servers by type, spoof net send,
shutdown windows, remote properties, netbios names, ...)
- Password tools (reveal asterisk, decode RDP, decode MDB, edit
protected storage, edit LSA secrets)
- List and manage local & remote processes
- Tiny firewall (using Windows API)
- Test bandwidth
- Get Internet IP
July 16, 2005 #
Software has a number of handy freeware apps, including:
- TreeSize - Directory size info
- NTFSRatio - Displays size and compression rate of folders on
NTFS volumes
- HeavyLoad - Stress test / burn-in app
July 15, 2005 #
If you are ever having trouble recovering data and are thinking of
throwing in the towel, be sure to read
this post for encouragement and perhaps a few tips.
July 14, 2005 #
Good God,
in Heaven's name has happened to this country:
Schmidt said that to get him to talk, interrogators
told him his mother and sisters were whores, forced him to wear a
bra, forced him to wear a thong on his head, told him he was
homosexual and said that other prisoners knew it. They also forced
him to dance with a male interrogator, Schmidt added, and subjected
him to strip searches with no security value, threatened him with
dogs, forced him to stand naked in front of women and forced him
onto a leash, to act like a dog.
Still, he said, "No torture occurred."
For those who claim to be Christians and yet support this insanity,
I would remind you of your
Savior's injunction:
"Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the
least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
July 13, 2005 #
a veggie, reduce global warming: People must stop eating meat
and turn vegetarian to reduce global warming, says a British
(via Vaughn Paul)
July 12, 2005 #
Dell's black and white 600dpi/15ppm
1100 Laser Printer is just $99.
July 11, 2005 #
Netcat ("the network
swiss army knife") has been listed on TinyApps.Org for some time,
but for those new to it, the following documentation may be of use:
July 10, 2005 #
Acquisition Utilities for Windows 2000 and higher includes:
- dd.exe: A modified version of the popular GNU dd utility
- md5lib.dll: A modified version of Ulrich Drepper's MD5 checksum
implementation in Windows DLL format.
- md5sum.exe: A modified version of Ulrich Drepper's MD5sum
- Volume_dump.exe: An original utility to dump volume
- wipe.exe: An original utility to sterilize media prior to
forensic duplication.
- zlibU.dll: A modified version of Jean-loup Gailly and Mark
Adler's zlib library based on zlib-1.1.4.
- nc.exe: A modified version of the netcat utility by
- getopt.dll: An implementation of the POSIX getopt function in a
Windows DLL format.
July 9, 2005 #
🌱 Atomic Web Server v1.0 [15k] {S}+ Extremely simple and
fast web server
📺 💾 🌎
July 8, 2005 #
MEPIS is a very clean and
polished Linux distro/Live CD with excellent hardware support.
(via Iain
July 6, 2005 #
July 5, 2005 #
IYHY - Free online service that
makes websites easier to access via mobile devices by stripping
non-essential content and markup.
July 4, 2005 #
NTT DoCoMo has an
excellent collection of Flash-based Japanese fairy tales,
including Momotaro, Warashibe Choja, Hanasaka Jiisan, and many
others. The artwork and music are beatifully done.
July 3, 2005 #
3 apps from the mailbin:
- 🌱 ShideWin [3.5k]
{S}+ Enumerates all top-level windows and allows you to show or
hide them. Especially helpful for finding windows that were made
invisible after a crash.
- 🌱 Double click
simulator 2.1 [19k] + Simulates double left clicks using the
middle mouse button. Also allows basic control of Winamp through
global hotkeys.
- VoIPerized
[279k] Tiny Voice over IP program. According to the submitter: "You
only need the exe. You can copy it to another folder, and then
uninstall the app. VoIPerized keeps its config in a small .cfg
file. You can upx voiperized.exe to 141K." It would be nice if apps
like this did not include an installer to begin with.
July 2, 2005 #
July 1, 2005 #
ORIENT 2.5 [168k] +
Unicode editor for Windows 2000 and higher that incorporates
bi-directional text support for Arabic or Hebrew languages (right
to left) and support for Asian languages (Chinese and
📺 (via Mike Mills)
June 30, 2005 #
June 29, 2005 #
Configuring autologin for SLAX
After installing
hard drive, some folks may want it to automatically log in a user
and start KDE. Here's how:
- Login as root
- Open /etc/inittab and change this line:
# Default runlevel. (Do not set to 0 or 6)
# Default runlevel. (Do not set to 0 or 6)
- Save /etc/inittab
- Go to: K Menu > Control Center > System Administration
> Login Manager > Convenience and configure options as
desired. Here is an example setup:
June 28, 2005 #
MySLAX Creator allows
you to create your own customised SLAX live cd or bootable USB
drive in Windows.
SLAX Guide
June 27, 2005 #
A new version of
Stash has been released.
It's a tiny CLI database app for books, email addresses, etc.
June 26, 2005 #
MacTheRipper is an
excellent OS X utility for copying your legally-acquired DVDs to
hard drive. This might be useful when travelling, for example. It
comes with a detailed manual, but some may wonder how to bypass DVD
Player's Region Code check which says:
Drive Region Code
The disc region code does not match the drive region code. The
drive region code must be changed to play this disc
Simply open System Preferences, click on "CDs & DVDs", and
change the line which reads "When you insert a video DVD:" to
MacTheRipper (for example).
June 23, 2005 #
June 19, 2005 #
James Broder crafts "custom
real-time scoring, timing, results, and television graphics
software solutions for some of the biggest sporting events &
live TV productions in the world." Plus, he's a really swell guy.
June 16, 2005 #
You may have noticed Google ads in the Atom feed lately. If not,
here's a sample:
I have decided to discontinue these ads, mainly because they seem
more intrusive than the web-based variety. Dave Taylor also has an
interesting article on AdSense for RSS.
June 14, 2005 #
Three IP Subnet Calculators:
- Online (Perl script also
available for download)
- Windows
- Palm
June 13, 2005 #
June 12, 2005 #
Rhebus Networks, a UK tech
support firm, has created an excellent
technical advice section,
with such gems as:
June 11, 2005 #
V1.1 [368k] {S}+ Download and store streaming Windows Media
files (asf, asx, wma, wmx, wmv, wvx).
June 7, 2005 #
The BBS Documentary DVD (
mentioned a
little over two years ago) is
now shipping
"BBS: The Documentary" is an 8 episode series about all
aspects of the history of the dial-up Bulletin Board System, or
BBS. 3 years in the making and the result of over 200 interviews,
this collection puts in one convenient package a sense of the
variety and wide-reaching effects of the BBS phenomenon. All in
all, over seven and a half hours of material is included across the
three region-free DVDs.
Among the features of this documentary:
- 5 and a half hours of episodes
- Over 80 minutes of bonus footage
- Commentary Tracks and Statements by Jason Scott
- Easter Eggs
- Subtitles on all Episodes and Footage
- Region-Free DVDS
- No Copy Protection, CSS or Macrovision
- Licensed under Creative Commons
- DVD-ROM Section with:
- Thousands of photos
- Additional audio interviews
- Speeches by Jason Scott and guests
UPDATE: I just bought a copy and highly
recommend you do the same, if only to see the great thank you page.
June 6, 2005 #
NSLookup - Online
forward and reverse DNS Lookup.
anonymous reader kindly wrote in to suggest
dnsstuff.com as well.
June 5, 2005 #
HijackThis! Log Analyzer
- Automated online analyzer to help you find information about
entries in your
June 4, 2005 #
Linux Newbie
Administrator Guide - A complete reference for new Linux users
who wish to set up and administer their own Linux home computer,
workstation and/or their home or small office network. The answers
are meant to be simple, with just sufficient detail, and always
supported with a readily usable example.
June 3, 2005 #
will so rule (warning: extremely funny)
June 2, 2005 #
HP 9100C Digital Sender's
documentation states that in order to erase the administrator
password, you simply press SHIFT+ALT+r. That didn't work at all,
but thanks to Google and a little persistence, here is the correct
method (however improbable it seems):
Reset the HP 9100C Digital Sender's administrator password:
- Press SHIFT+ALT+Duplex (the button under the green and red
- Type "erase password please" (without quotes, but including
- Press OK
June 1, 2005 #
May 30, 2005 #
VersionBackup -
Create daily scheduled backups, keep x days worth of backup sets,
delete old backups after x days, more. Freeware and shareware
versions available (
May 29, 2005 #
In his
wireless security that actually works, Brian Livingston
strongly suggests using WPA for wireless security. He notes that
Microsoft only supplies WPA client software for Windows XP, and
recommends two shareware packages for users of earlier versions of
Windows. However, he fails to mention that WSC provides
WPA Personal client software for Windows 98 through XP.
(via WNN)
May 28, 2005 #
May 27, 2005 #
Netcraft Toolbar
(which helps protect against phishing attacks and the like) is now
available for Firefox.
May 26, 2005 #
Hack Attack - Video from the BBC showing what happens to a
non-firewalled Windows XP box on the Net (Sasser infection in 8
seconds). Includes shots of
Explorer and
May 25, 2005 #
filehippo.com - "The aim of
filehippo.com is to provide you with the simplest method of
downloading the newest versions of the best software - without the
usual excessive popups or spyware and without the low quality
software. We do not offer any illegal software, warez or pirated
material. All software is either Freeware or Shareware. All our
servers have 100Mb network connections so your downloads will be as
fast as possible!"
May 24, 2005 #
of information, including
info, etc, for virtually every Microsoft OS ever made as well
as several other DOS flavors and OS/2.
URL: http://www.geocities.com/rick_lively/MANUALS/INDEX.HTM
May 23, 2005 #
May 22, 2005 #
Working with OS X image files:
- Convert
.DMG images to .ISO: hdiutil convert /path/to/filename.dmg
-format UDTO -o /path/to/savefile.iso
- BurnCMPlugIn -
Burn disc images directly from the Finder (to install, put
BurnCMPlugIn.plugin into ~/Library/Contextual Menu Items/ and
restart Finder)
- dmg2iso - Converts
compressed (z-lib) DMG images to ISO images. Available as a Perl
script or Win32 binary.
- FreeDMG -
Perform drag and drop disk imaging on the fly. Supports twelve
compression formats (UDZO, UDCO, etc.) and optional
- CD > ISO via Disk Utility
- Insert CD, open Disk Utility and highlight the desired session
in the left pane.
- Images > New > Image from (image name)
- Type a filename for the ISO image and choose the save
- For "Image Format" choose DVD/CD master and click "Save"
May 21, 2005 #
Google's Cookie - Use this simple GoogleAnon bookmarklet to
anonymize your Google cookie.
May 20, 2005 #
Usenet news servers database and search engine
May 19, 2005 #
Aardvark Firefox
extension displays a red rectangle framing each element under
the cursor, as well as a caption showing the HTML element type and
its class or id if they exist.
(via Shell Extension City)
May 18, 2005 #
How to
use RSS correctly makes a very strong case for limiting feeds
to short descriptions with links back to the main article. This
approach has now been adopted by TinyApps.
Here is a
real life example of why this might be a good idea.
May 17, 2005 #
Store Wars - Star
Wars spoof promoting organic food (Flash, QuickTime, and Windows
Media formats available). From the
good folks who brought you
The Meatrix.
May 13, 2005 #
Two interesting
job offers for
vegans on the Big Island:
- "EITHER a programmer (ideally familiar with HTML, PHP, MS
Access, MySQL, or highly intelligent with a good ability to
- OR a good communicator, able to compose well-written
e-mail correspondence
- Meticulous (paying attention to detail, not prone to making
lots of mistakes)
- In possession of a good work ethic (too often lacking these
... and you don't mind
- Living in somewhat basic housing until we build more (or
renting nearby)
- Beautiful Pacific Ocean views
- A perfect climate (mid-70s every day, all year)
- Waterfall pools to swim in
- Not having to commute to work
- Not having any neighbors
... then we would like to hear from you!
As a rough guide -- and it can only be rough until we know you --
we can offer a good programmer/analyst $30-$40 per hour ($60-80,000
per year), and we can offer someone who is able to take over a
significant portion of the day-to-day running of the business
(responding to e-mails, processing payments, etc.) $15-25 per hour
($30-50,000 per year)."
May 9, 2005 #
One way of hiding CSS from un- or under-supported web browsers is
to use
However, this causes IE to briefly flash an unstyled page, a most
annoying effect. BlueRobot
has the scoop on
how to block this behavior.
May 8, 2005 #
As with any new operating system, Tiger has its share of problems:
Rather than enduring such unpleasantness, Panther users may want to
instead update to
10.3.9, which
includes the same Safari enhancements as Tiger. However, 10.3.9
users should also apply
Security Update 2005-005, as it patches some rather
security holes.
May 6, 2005 #
Ultimate Boot CD for Windows
(not to be confused with
Ultimate Boot CD) -
Bart's PE on steroids, i.e.,
loaded with
useful antivirus, antispyware, security, recovery, and diagnostic
May 5, 2005 #
CSS from browsers covers: CSS tricks relying on lack of CSS
support in browsers, Browser sniffing using JavaScript object
detection, and MSIE Conditional Comments.
May 4, 2005 #
Why would you want even a single version of Internet Explorer on
your PC, let alone multiple versions? Browser bug testing.
May 1, 2005 #
Before submitting an app, please be so kind as to run a quick
search and make sure it is not already listed. It may be helpful to
read this for information on search
operators. For example, a simple search for "FAC" returns 90
results, but using the
w: operator, it returns
only 1 (which is the one we were after).
April 29, 2005 #
Many thanks to the following folks who kindly responded to
yesterday's request for help:
Fritz, Michael,
Micronsite agenzia webmastering,
Steven, Uwe,
Norberto, and
The logo which was ultimately selected is from
Micronsite agenzia webmastering, and
can viewed
here. So far, it seems to work
perfectly in every major browser, even when the text is resized.
let me know if your
browser has any problems. Thanks!
April 28, 2005 #
I am working on moving TinyApps to a CSS-based layout, and am
having a few problems with the logo (found
here), namely:
- Looks perfect in Firefox, Opera, and Safari, but awful in IE
(unless text size is set to "smallest")
- Does not resize well in any browser but Opera (increasing font
size in Firefox results in the text overflowing)
If anyone can help with this, or just with general tips on
transitioning the site to CSS, please let me know.
UPDATE: Many thanks to all of those who
kindly wrote in.
agenzia webmastering has sent a version which works perfectly
in all major browsers. It will be posted here shortly along with
credit to everyone who took the time to help. Thank you.
April 27, 2005 #
Shareware is rarely mentioned on TinyApps. Not that there is
necessarily anything wrong with it (especially considering that
there is
no such thing as "free" software), but usually there are better
freeware alternatives.
However, such is not the case with
Aid4Mail. This mailbox
converter/archiver is simply without parallel. Though suffering
from an unfortunate activation and verification system, Aid4Mail
can do far more with mailboxes than any other app I've seen.
Despite being over 1.44mb (and therefore not qualified to be added
to the program listings),
it has been reviewed for two
primary reasons:
- There is simply no other app (free or fee) that has the same
- For years, Eric Fookes has generously given away one of the
most popular text editors for Windows, Notetab Light. Several years ago, he
kindly made a version for TinyApps readers: tiny_notetab.zip
You can
read the review
April 24, 2005 #
Pravin kindly wrote in to inform us of his app,
Yammy (Yahoo Messenger Archives
Decoder), which decodes and displays archived Yahoo Messenger
April 22, 2005 #
discussion of DiamondCS'
ProcessGuard, a
tool designed to generically protect your sensitive and critical
processes from being tampered with by all sorts of malware."
April 21, 2005 #
The phrase "pre-IPO biotech trade secrets" may very well become the
next "
all your
base are belong to us":
- Berkeley
laptop thief is scared out of his wits by professor
- Teacher
Caught Lying To His Students, Boing Boing Takes The Bait
- Pixel
- ABC News:
Professor Exaggerates Risk During Stolen Laptop Tirade
UPDATE 1: ABC has yanked this story - perhaps
they got a call from a certain pre-IPO biotech company ;-) However,
here is a
quote from
the story and a
screen capture
of the headline at Google News
UPDATE 2: Paul Jones (who is to thank for
salvaging the quote mentioned above) is also
this story. The sources keep disappearing... I'm beginning to
suspect that a certain pre-IPO biotech company is in cahoots
wit^^$*~$))^- NO CARRIER
UPDATE 3: The ABC News story lives! Thanks to
Google cache and
kind email.
Page 1 |
Page 2
UPDATE 4: The official Berkeley
webcast of Prof. Rine's class has been edited to remove his
laptop comments, so
here they are in QuickTime format.
April 19, 2005 #
🌱 Angry IP
Scanner 2.21 [109k] {S}+ Pings a range of IP addresses and
optionally resolves hostnames, scans ports, returns NetBIOS info
(computer name, workgroup name, currently logged in user and MAC
address), and saves results to CSV, TXT, HTML, XML or IP-Port list
files. Don't miss the
plugin page,
especially David Bingham's MAC Address via ARP protocol. (While
settings can be saved to the registry, this is not the default
April 18, 2005 #
floppyswop.co.uk - "A
place for sharing any files small enough to fit on a conventional
floppy disc (1.44meg High density), art, media, sound, noise, its
up to you, all files are hosted here for taking and swopping."
(via ME-L)
April 16, 2005 #
Joe kindly wrote in to tell us about his
patched version of
jhead (
covered on
April 1st), which is capable of outputting EXIF data in XML
format. Open source, with binaries available for Linux and OS X.
April 15, 2005 #
Better Than Death - Insights from 62 near-death experiences.
from Amazon or
download the PDF for free.
April 14, 2005 #
iBackup 3.1.0
[516k] Simple backup/restore utility with scheduling support for OS
X. Free for personal use.
April 13, 2005 #
April 12, 2005 #
Help Me with
Firefox Popups has a number of helpful posts on how to block
the latest popup and popunder ads plaguing Mozilla Firefox.
April 11, 2005 #
Parker kindly sent in a very cool alternative to the two
Japanese language tools featured yesterday:
Rikai.com displays the
reading and definition of any word in a tiny popup box:
April 10, 2005 #
jBrowse is
an Internet Explorer plugin which adds furigana and word
definitions to Japanese web pages. It can also be used as a two-way
dictionary and kanji locator (search by radical, stroke count,
pronunciation, meaning, jouyou level, or JIS number).
Original page:
Page with furigana inserted:
Page with word definitions:
If you do not or can not use Internet Explorer,
site offers instant online rendering of furigana, though the
output is a bit harder to read:
April 9, 2005 #
nLite - Build custom
Windows 2000, XP, and 2003 install CDs with integrated service
packs, hotfixes, and drivers while excluding unwanted components
(Media Player, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, MSN Explorer,
Messenger, etc). Requires .NET Framework 1.1.
April 6, 2005 #
Bjorn kindly informs us of
Indeed.com, which is, as he so
succinctly puts it, "basically the Kayak.com of job hunting sites."
April 5, 2005 #
Kayak.com is a very simple yet
thorough travel search engine.
to About.com, Kayak "searches more than 100 major airline,
hotel, and travel sites. From those it can access prices and
itineraries on more than 550 airlines and 85,000 hotels - and then
Kayak gives users the options of booking directly from the travel
supplier of their choice by clicking on a supplier's direct URL,
calling the travel provider's tollfree phone number, or booking via
Orbitz or Onetravel.com."
April 4, 2005 #
April 2, 2005 #
April 1, 2005 #
🌱 jhead
2.3 [94k] {S}+ Extract/modify digital camera setting
information from exif JPEG files, strip unnecessary data, more.
Precompiled binaries available for Windows, OS X, Linux, FreeBSD,
and Solaris.
📺 (via Mike Mills)
March 31, 2005 #
Some uncharacteristically
bloated behavior from Google. As Brad Hill
out, "The (potential) problem is, that page's cookies and other
gunk gets downloaded to your hard drive even if you don't visit the
page." Aside from the needless network activity and wasted storage
space, what if the first result contains illegal or illicit
content? Firefox users can disable this behavior by typing
about:config in the address bar and setting
"network.prefetch-next" to "False".
March 30, 2005 #
DOSBox is an open
source DOS emulator with ports for Windows, BeOS, Linux, and OS X.
March 29, 2005 #
Kangoo Jumps
are crazy fun and great exercise:

Just bought a pair from
Daniel, who provided
the best customer service I have ever experienced on the web.
March 28, 2005 #
2.6 [335k] + Batch resize images by percentage, height, width,
or maximum dimension while maintaining aspect ratio. From the
website: "The resizing algorithm produces high quality images
because it uses all available information from the source image.
Most other image resizing software only use a small amount of
information from the source image."
March 27, 2005 #
Help! My
browser is hijacked! is an excellent guide to spyware removal,
with a special emphasis on how to use
HijackThis safely.
March 26, 2005 #
10x10 - 100 words and pictures
that express the current news glop.
(via David
March 25, 2005 #
March 23, 2005 #
XBT Client - Tiny
BitTorrent client.
(via Michel)
March 19, 2005 #
March 18, 2005 #
[1044k] $ Mirror selected files to a local, network, or removable
disk in real time.
March 17, 2005 #
Arctic - Minimal
BitTorrent client for Windows 2000 or higher.
(via Robbin
UPDATE 1: Laurent kindly informs us that
Arctic requires the .NET runtimes.
UPDATE 2: Phil Bean explains
that Arctic itself apparently does not requires the .NET runtimes,
but its MSI installer does.
March 16, 2005 #
MiniApache -
Lean version of the open source Apache web server for Windows NT
and above.
March 15, 2005 #
Ed Carlson, "The Waver", has
been walking and waving throughout the country for almost thirty
years. He has walked over 225,000 miles spreading his message that
"All is love."
March 14, 2005 #
Three recent app suggestions from the mailbin:
- menuApp
- "Configure menus and use them to launch your favourite programs,
music files, documents, websites, etc. Its fast, doesn't hog a lot
of resource and is easy to setup and use (so long as you can handle
a text editor). What's more, it doesn't drop any extraneous files
on your system and it stays well clear of the registry."
(via Douglas
- 2A-ChitChat - "Chat
application like e.g. ICQ or AIM and similar programs. The
2A-ChitChat advantage is a completely ciphered data transmission,
free configuration of TCP-ports (only one port is used - important
for firewalls), tiny footprint (no additional DLL's or runtime) and
no public server needed." (via Andreas Aumayr)
- Omziff -
"Straightforward encryption utility that uses various cryptographic
algorithms to encrypt and decrypt textual files. These algorithms
include: Blowfish, Cast128, Gost, IDEA, Misty1, Rijndael, and
Twofish. It also generates random passwords. It is freeware, comes
in a standalone executable file." (via Dean)
March 13, 2005 #
dBpowerAMP Music
Converter (dMC) - Convert virtually any audio file type via the
context menu: MP3, MP4, Windows Media Audio (WMA), Real Audio, Ogg
Vorbis, AAC, Monkeys Audio, FLAC, SHN, many more. (Before
complaining about the MP3 encoder trial period, read
thread) |
March 11, 2005 #
Answers to your most perplexing Microsoft Word questions (including
how to fix the
'Page X of Y'
printing as 'Page X of X' bug) can be found at the
Microsoft Word MVP site.
March 10, 2005 #
Renderer 0.30 [180k] + Convert OpenMG (OMA / OMG) files to WAV,
MP3, FLAC, or OGG. More info on Sony's Hi-MD Recorders, SonicStage,
and their proprietary OpenMG file format is available
March 9, 2005 #
Hydreux kindly informs us of
pdftk, an open source,
cross-platform PDF toolkit that can:
- Merge PDF Documents
- Split PDF Pages into a New Document
- Decrypt Input as Necessary (Password Required)
- Encrypt Output as Desired
- Fill PDF Forms with FDF Data and/or Flatten Forms
- Apply a Background Watermark
- Report on PDF Metrics such as Metadata, Bookmarks, and Page
- Update PDF Metadata
- Attach Files to PDF Pages or the PDF Document
- Unpack PDF Attachments
- Burst a PDF Document into Single Pages
- Uncompress and Re-Compress Page Streams
- Repair Corrupted PDF (Where Possible)
March 8, 2005 #
PDFs 1.0 [832k] {S} Combine multipage PDFs/graphics,
reorder/remove pages, add meta data.
March 7, 2005 #
🌱 Screen Thief for DOS v2.01 [37k] + Capture DOS screens
as BMP, TIFF, PCX or TXT files.
📺 💾
March 6, 2005 #
CamStudio 2.0 [1331k] {S} Screen recorder able to save captures as
AVI or SWF (Flash) files. (Source code available
📺 💾 🌎
March 5, 2005 #
March 4, 2005 #
March 2, 2005 #
WRT54G wifi router for
$60 has some exciting
alternatives, including:
- OpenWRT - Turn the WRT54G
into a customized Linux box
- HyperWRT - General
- Ewrt - HotSpot
/ Captive portal
Please note that all of these (and any other non-Linksys firmware)
will void your warranty. Also, make sure your hardware is supported
(most alternative firmware will not support v2.2 at the
UPDATE: Linksys
Blue Box Router HOWTO
February 28, 2005 #
ZoneCD - WiFi
hotspot/captive portal on a Morphix-based LiveCD.
stories |
February 27, 2005 #
Assistant from Eric Fookes (maker of
NoteTab) is a swell shareware app
that allows you to browse e-mail archives from: Outlook Express,
Eudora, Netscape Messenger, Mozilla Mail, Mozilla Thunderbird,
Pegasus, The Bat!, Forte Agent, PocoMail, Calypso, FoxMail, Juno
3.x, Unix mail (Pine, Elm, mbox, etc.) and EML message files.
I found it especially helpful in recovering "lost" messages from a
Eudora mailbox.
By the way, in their
instructions on
migrating Eudora from Mac to Windows, Qualcomm recommends a
freeware app called CRLF which
does not seem
to work under OS 9 (it was originally made for OS 7, IIRC).
However the tiny Green Award winner
XCRLF works
February 26, 2005 #
🌱 RenameFiles
2.42 [148k] + Rename files recursively, add/delete strings,
change case, preview before applying, much more.
February 25, 2005 #
Microsoft to Users: Buy a Mac
Beginning February 28, customers who purchase Windows
on a new PC will not be able to activate, nor reinstall their
operating system without first calling Microsoft... Microsoft
expects to expand the Internet product activation ban to all
pre-activated Windows PCs in the next quarter.
February 24, 2005 #
Ariya Hidayat
kindly wrote in to suggest
ExplorerXP, a file manager for
Windows 2000/XP which includes tabs, batch renamer, folder size
info, and more.
February 23, 2005 #
Even though Microsoft's
Strider GhostBuster looks
incredibly useful, there are apparently no plans to release
Perhaps the good folks at
SysInternals read
Schneier's plea and decided to do something about it:
is a free advanced root kit detection utility. It runs on Windows
NT 4 and higher and its output lists Registry and file system API
discrepancies that may indicate the presence of a user-mode or
kernel-mode rootkit. RootkitRevealer successfully detects all
persistent rootkits published at www.rootkit.com, including AFX,
Vanquish and HackerDefender (note: RootkitRevealer is not intended
to detect memory-based rootkits like Fu that don't survive
February 22, 2005 #
WallWatcher 3.2.16
- Collect, view, and analyze router logs from certain 2Wire,
Airlink, Buffalo, Cisco, D-Link, Draytek, Gnatbox, Linksys, Lucent,
m0n0wall, Netgear, Netscreen, Smoothwall, Sonicwall, Speedstream,
Symantec, Westell, Xincom, and ZyXEL devices. Requires Windows 98
or higher.
February 20, 2005 #
Joel on
pricing software (and just about anything else).
February 16, 2005 #
February 15, 2005 #
The Portable
Freeware Collection catalogs freeware that can be extracted to
any directory and run independently without prior installation.
February 14, 2005 #
TED Notepad 4.3.1 [81k] +
Notepad replacement with Unix-like text functions, hotkeys,
multiple clipboards, and much more. Written in pure ANSI C using
the system API functions.
📺 (via
February 12, 2005 #
Harvest - Contrasting Agrarian And Industrial Agriculture
(keywords: farm, farming, organic, monoculture)
February 11, 2005 #
PingPlotter 1.10 [424k]
Graphical network troubleshooting and diagnostic tool. Shareware
version also available (
📺 💾
February 10, 2005 #
February 9, 2005 #
Blowfish Advanced
CS 2.52 is an open source file encryption tool which supports:
Blowfish, Twofish, AES, RC4, Triple-DES, Serpent, CAST. Runs under
Windows 95 to Server 2003, and is available without an installer.
(via Iain)
February 8, 2005 #
TinyApps.Org site search is now powered by
KSearch, an open source
Perl script. Please give it a try (using the form field at left)
tell me what you think.
February 7, 2005 #
February 5, 2005 #
freeSee 1.2.0
[59k] Picture viewer for OS X.
February 4, 2005 #
Wi-Fi-FreeSpot Directory
- Free wireless hotspots
February 3, 2005 #
Privoxy is an open source
"web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for protecting
privacy, modifying web page content, managing cookies, controlling
access, and removing ads, banners, pop-ups and other obnoxious
Internet junk."
(via Rob Dench)
February 2, 2005 #
Off By One
has been updated! If you have not seen this insanely cool,
self-contained web browser with SSL (all under 1.44mb), now is the
time to check it out. See the
release notes for
new features.
(via Pete)
February 1, 2005 #
v3.2.7 Easily backup and synchronise your files to: the same
drive; a different drive or medium (CDRW, CompactFlash, etc); an
FTP server; a Network; or a Zip archive. The 'No Install' will not
install files into Windows or other PC system directories.
v2.0 Track any and all changes to the registry and file system,
and also record all shell notification events (e.g. media
inserted), when a program is installed, uninstalled, or run.
January 31, 2005 #
Intellibuild - "Quickly and
easily create your own custom GNU/Linux LiveCD Distribution (like
Knoppix and Morphix)."
ThinBrowser might
finally give
Gmail some serious
competition. 1GB of storage space, a 30 second signup (just name,
desired email address & password are required), cool interface,
and a
slew of features: Advanced Spam Filtering, Virus
Screening, Check Other POP/IMAP Accounts, Outlook-to-Webmail Sync,
Enhanced Address Book & Calendar, Block/Approve Senders,
Forward to Email Address or Mobile Device, Track Delivery,
Password/PGP Encryption, POP/IMAP Access, and much more.
January 30, 2005 #
Foxit PDF
Reader 1.2 [903k] + View and print PDF documents. CJK support
with additional download. Free for non-commercial
📺 (via CleanSoftware.org)
January 29, 2005 #
Port-to-process mappers have
before, but
CurrPorts is worth a
close look: a mere 36k with no installer, it operates under Windows
9x and higher. From the included text file:
CurrPorts displays the list of all currently opened
TCP/IP and UDP ports on your local computer. For each port in the
list, information about the process that opened the port is also
displayed, including the process name, full path of the process,
version information of the process (product name, file description,
and so on), the time that the process was created, and the user
that created it. In addition, CurrPorts allows you to close
unwanted TCP connections, kill the process that opened the ports,
and save the TCP/UDP ports information to HTML file, XML file, or
to tab-delimited text file. CurrPorts also automatically mark with
pink color suspicious TCP/UDP ports owned by unidentified
applications (Applications without version information and
January 28, 2005 #
January 27, 2005 #
Last year (
4-8, 2004) we were searching for freeware calculators with
virtual tape. Iain has
reviewed several and recommends
ESBCalc v4.5:
"Scientific calculator for Win32 platforms with infix notation,
brackets, scientific functions (trigonometric, hyperbolic,
logarithmic - including base 10, base 2 & natural - plus more),
memory, paper trail, result history list and more."
January 26, 2005 #
- "Freeware editor with CUA (default Windows) and Wordstar key
commands. If you know the behaviour of Wordstar DOS, the 'feeling'
of WSedit will be similar. WSedit reads and writes the file formats
Wordstar 3.4 - 7, ASCII ISO and IBM codepage and works fine with
very large files up to 20 MB."
(via Robert Bull)
January 22, 2005 #
If you haven't read
Free and
easy remote access (through firewalls and NAT routers) with VNC
reverse connections yet, be sure to check it out. But there may
be an even easier (and still free) option coming from WebEx on
January 24th:
MyWebEx. See
to offer free remote PC access for more information. And don't
LogMeIn (
last year).
January 18, 2005 #
If you need to support remote Windows users through firewalls or
GoToAssist is hard to
beat for ease of use. However, the price (over $300 per month)
seems rather expensive.
Another option, almost as easy but completely free, is to use VNC's
Viewer in listen mode as discussed here:
Remote control tech support.
Also see Fred's comprehensive list of
remote control
UPDATE: Created a tiny tutorial with
Free and easy
remote access (through firewalls and NAT routers) with VNC reverse
January 17, 2005 #
DriveUse v1.00 [7k]
+ Reports detailed disk space usage on all drives and presents the
results in a clear, sorted, tree-like structure.
January 16, 2005 #
isnoop.net's gmail
invite spooler - "A place for people with Gmail invites and
those who want them to come together with minimal effort and fuss.
Currently, we have 254 invites available to share. Thanks to the
generosity of folks like you, we've distributed 153,696 invites
since this page went up on Sep 13, 2004."
January 15, 2005 #
Barry Klein kindly
sent in two tiny DOS apps by Tom Kihlken (quotes are from the
included docs):
TinyView 0.9k
(released into the Public Domain) - "The best text file viewer your
ever going to see. It's tiny (958 bytes), it can view ANY size text
file, it displays lines up to 1024 characters wide, and it uses all
25 lines of your display. How does TV do all of this? Through the
magic of assembler. This program is written in 100% pure assembly
language for the smallest, fastest program possible."
TED 3k - "A
small, full-screen editor for line-oriented files of up to 64K in
length that supports scrolling, cut, copy, paste, and printing
operations, and permits entry of all members of the IBM character
January 12, 2005 #
Search and download
86775 BBS files.
(via Mike Mills)
January 11, 2005 #
Password Crackers - Reviews and benchmarks for a wide range of
password crackers.
January 10, 2005 #
"At the center of the universe is a loving heart that continues to
beat and that wants the best for every person. Anything we can do
to help foster the intellect and spirit and emotional growth of our
fellow human beings, that is our job."
Fred Rogers (AKA Mister Rogers)
(via World
January 9, 2005 #
Mash-up Medley - 40 Beatles songs smushed into 3m34s.
January 7, 2005 #
Bob Cerelli's
Windows Site has an amazing amount of useful information in a
fast-loading and easy-to-read format.
January 6, 2005 #
January 4, 2005 #
January 1, 2005 #
GLtron - Open source game
based on
available for Windows, Mac OS 9/X, and Linux.
UPDATE: Jalada kindly points us to
Armagetron, another open
source Tron clone with binaries for Linux, OS X, and Windows and
more features than GLtron.
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